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Message Publié : Mercredi 23 Août 2017 22:11 

Inscription : Jeudi 06 Juillet 2017 20:12
Message(s) : 14
Hi everybody,

I'm a proud owner of a Street Scrambler for a year now, so I'm pretty new in this forum. As on the German forum no one can really help me, I try saying it in English.

I would like to buy a central lift or central paddock stands, e.g. from Constands or Bursig. But they don't offer an adapter for Voxan. Is there anybody who can give me an idea of how I can make an adapter for the Screet Scrambler by myself? I need a second point, where I can fix the adapter on the motorbike. I guess, the Cafe Racer and the Roadster have the same problem.

I recently had the chance to try a Constands central paddock stand for a KTM 990 SM. But I don't see how I can make a suitable adapter for the Street Scrambler.

Regards from Germany!

Scrambler 226

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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+1 heure [Heure d’été]

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