Happy new year and best wishes for 2017.
This post just tolet you know that at least 3 events are planned this year
1st VCF is invited at the Retromobile Show in Paris "porte de versailles" February the 8th to 12th see
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19666 2nd VCF is invited at the MotoSalon Show in Lyon February the 10th-11th and 12th see
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19649 and 3rd VCF is invited at the Sunday Ride Classic in tne south of France at the "Castellet" (near Toulon) April the 15th and 16th see
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19669 you're welcome!
and don't forget to uscribe for this year see
http://www.voxanclubdefrance.com/userfi ... 017_FR.pdfEnzo,