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 Sujet du message : A happy 2014 to the VCF
Message Publié : Vendredi 27 Décembre 2013 13:59 
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Inscription : Lundi 04 Janvier 2010 14:47
Message(s) : 29
Localisation : Wolverhampton ANGLETERRE
Hello everyone. I wish you the compliments of the season and look forward to a happy 2014 for all.

I fear the Voxan Wattman will not tempt me. In fact, I have returned to my first love and exchanged my Aprilia Shiver 750 (competent but not inspiring passion) for a Moto Morini Corsaro 1200. Get your kicks when you're sixty six!

"Do not adjust your mind there is a fault in the reality"

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Message Publié : Vendredi 27 Décembre 2013 14:26 
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Inscription : Vendredi 05 Juillet 2002 17:54
Message(s) : 3736
Localisation : Champs sur Marne 77
Adh: 59
Better wishes for you, friend!

That V1200 brings you the enjoyment and the good mood which makes us stay young...

I wait the beautiful days to go to try Scrambler Moto Morini

fil@ Image

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Message Publié : Dimanche 29 Décembre 2013 18:23 
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Inscription : Vendredi 04 Novembre 2011 22:26
Message(s) : 157
Localisation : Holland
Also a happy new year from the Netherlands! Hope to see you people in 2014.


Voxan V2 1000 Café Racer Nr. 515 / Café Racer sidecar!!!

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Message Publié : Lundi 30 Décembre 2013 20:24 
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Inscription : Lundi 29 Mai 2006 15:27
Message(s) : 209
Localisation : Frankfurt
Hi 72degrees, that's a hell of a lot torque from your Corsaro for wet British roads, isn't it? Have fun!!

Cheers, Frank

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Message Publié : Mardi 07 Janvier 2014 22:47 
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Inscription : Dimanche 02 Mars 2008 19:23
Message(s) : 406
Localisation : Issoire
Adh: 935
thanks a lot, my turn to wish you all "english speaking" friends all the best for 2014. Whatever you ride, may you ride safe and enjoy each and every moment of it. As far as I am concerned, I wish that my plan to go up to Scotland this year will work out. If yes, I will go from Folkestone to the 'whisky island" for a trip I have dreamed of for such a long time ! Wish me luck :alcooliques
ps : and if you have any tips for the road-book, don't hesitate to send me a message :merci

Guinness is (fucking) good for you !!

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