Forums du Voxan Club de France

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 Sujet du message : 2012's VCF's General Assembly
Message Publié : Mercredi 26 Octobre 2011 21:48 
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Inscription : Dimanche 10 Janvier 2010 10:53
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : Alsace 68
Hello everybody,
As announced 10 days ago at the tenth anniversary, the 2012's VCF's General Assembly will be held in Alsace on the Whitsun WE. The reserved place is a colony center in the valley of Munster, in full mountain ( ), just under the roads on which quarrelled the French round of the WRC one month ago (Yes, ok, Sébastien LOEB the regional runner broke his motor, but it is not a fate if he is an Alsatian and soon 8 times World Champion in a row - what never arrived in the automobile history), and exactly, the purpose of the WE is to hold the General Assembly, but also to share these magnificent roads with you as well as to make you discover the landscapes, the gastronomy and the wines...
Keep reserved the dates of Friday, May 25th (at the beginning of the gathering late in the afternoon) to Monday, May 28th (finishing of the gathering in the morning) on 2012!
In the pleasure to welcome you!
The organizers: Nadia la boulangère (Nadia et Christophe), Alex68 (Alex), Bruno68 (Bruno), Dédé du Sundgau (André) et CR14 (Bertrand)

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Message Publié : Vendredi 13 Avril 2012 14:47 
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Inscription : Dimanche 10 Janvier 2010 10:53
Message(s) : 127
Localisation : Alsace 68
Somebody alive?

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 Sujet du message : alive
Message Publié : Mardi 12 Juin 2012 16:45 

Inscription : Mardi 29 Décembre 2009 12:56
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : shropshire ,UK
Just got back from the TT ... saw a nice white voxan cafe racer there. I've got one myself that Nicky Haydn and Mick Doohan signed at the TT last year. [/img][/list]

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