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Message Publié : Jeudi 04 Novembre 2010 23:23 
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Inscription : Lundi 04 Janvier 2010 14:47
Message(s) : 29
Localisation : Wolverhampton ANGLETERRE
Now I no longer have the Roadster I don't need the tank Bagster tank protector ( a blue one) any more :frown

Also, though Bagster make a cover for the Shiver, my Bagster Delta (I think) tank bag isn't suitable for that apparently.

Anyone interested in buying them?

"Do not adjust your mind there is a fault in the reality"

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Message Publié : Mercredi 17 Novembre 2010 17:11 
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Inscription : Lundi 04 Janvier 2010 14:47
Message(s) : 29
Localisation : Wolverhampton ANGLETERRE
72degrees a écrit :
Now I no longer have the Roadster I don't need the tank Bagster tank protector ( a blue one) any more :frown

Also, though Bagster make a cover for the Shiver, my Bagster Delta (I think) tank bag isn't suitable for that apparently.

Anyone interested in buying them?

"Do not adjust your mind there is a fault in the reality"

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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+1 heure [Heure d’été]

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