72degrees a écrit :
I have prepared a quick translation of the very important 'Mobilisation' post. If it has errors, could someone please correct it !
The VOXAN Club France appeals for donations
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Following the decision of the Tribunal de Commerce de Clermont Ferrand to sell at auction the property and plant of VOXAN, the VCF is launching an appeal for donations to ensure the future of motorcycles currently in circulation, and thus make sure that the history of the French motorcycle does not stop there.
We extend this invitation to all motorcycle enthusiasts, whether owners of VOXAN or if they simply feel concerned by the closure of the last French bike brand of large capacity. Even if VOXAN never had the conditions necessary to grow and prosper, there remain nonetheless slightly more than 4000 bikes produced that we need to keep running.
Your donation will be used at the auction according to the make up of the lots of spare parts for sale, or later to ensure the remanufacturing and marketing of parts required for maintenance and proper operation of motorcycles in the range.
You can send your donations in the form of bank cheques or money orders payable to the Voxan Club de France mentioning on the back of them:
"Opération pièces" to the following address:
VOXAN Club de France
Opération pièces
Sylvain BADOC
3 Rue de Grebenstein
63,190 LEZOUX
I shall translate this in Dutch for my Dutch Voxan Website!